Top 5 Countries To Go To Learn

We have selected the top 5 countries according to educations website rankings and QS university rankings, according to survey data obtained from students, so that you can get higher education as well as get some new experience for those of you who are planning to go abroad.

5. Australia

Sydney Opera House (

Australia has a number of world-class higher education institutions, including the Australian University of Melbourne, Sydney and New South Wales. Canberra, the Gold Coast, Brisbane, and Melbourne are affordable cities for students, and as in Sri Lanka, driving on the left is easy as a pedestrian to understand and drive.

Foreign students can apply for student visas for Advanced English Language Courses (ELICOS), primary or secondary schools, secondary school exchange programs, vocational education and training (VET) courses, higher education courses, post-research degrees.

According to the World University Rankings, the IELTS score is 6 for the Australian University which ranks 24th and the first in Australia.

 4. The Netherlands

The beauty of the country with its trenches (

The Netherlands has been ranked 7th in the top 100 of the top 100 ranking medical, engineering, law and business institutions and in the 2019 Times University Rankings. Wooden shoes, cheese, tulip flowers, and scenic water trenches are all beautiful. Leiden, Groningen, Amsterdam, Rotterdam are great for city students.

You can obtain (temporary) student visas as a student for a full-time accredited program at a reputable university or applied science university. You must prove that you have an independent, adequate and sustainable income, and you must score at least 50% every academic year (according to Academic Progress Monitoring).

IELTS is mandatory for student visas. If you have scored 6 marks, you can immediately proceed to your chosen course, and if you score 5 or 5.5, you can start studying after 12 and 6 months respectively.

 3. Canada

Niagara Falls (

With its rich culture, fascinating natural environment, and vast regional variations, Canada offers many things to explore for touring students, in addition to several international universities. Canada is known for its Niagara Falls and ice hockey. It's best for city students like Toronto and Ottawa. IELTS ranges from 5-7 in educational institutions.

There are three ways to get permission to study in Canada. Study Permit - This is a permit that allows you to study in Canada, not a visa. When this is achieved, there is a need to make good progress in completing the course. The second is the Electronic Travel Permit (eTA).

This is a visa-free system and can be used for five years or until your passport expires. The third is for students who are unable to apply for the eTA, which is accepted by a designated educational institution called the Temporary Residence Visa (TRV).

2. New Zealand

Lots of places to explore (

New Zealand is home to top pre-eminent universities such as Auckland, Otago, Victoria. According to the World University Rankings Auckland University, which ranks 85th and first in the country, it requires a score of 5 IELTS.

It offers a good education as well as employment opportunities, places to visit, and a good experience with the greenness of the place, where the Hobbies of the famous Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit films were filmed. New Zealand is famous for its kiwi fruit, rugby, and cricket, making it easy to make friends in the country.

When applying for a student visa, you need to prepare educational certificates, such as diplomas, degrees or certificates, student visa application, visa application fees, and payment receipt to the chosen educational institution. Bank statements and required police reports, chest X-ray photographs confirming that there is no TB if needed, will show up to $ 15,000 New Zealand dollars a year or $ 1250 a month.

1. England

BigBen Clock and Parliament (

England is a very comfortable country for the students of this country, with high-end universities like Cambridge and Oxford. Apart from tea, colonialism has made it easy to understand the country's laws, cultural values ​​and road rules. QS World Universities rank 5th in the top 20 ranking countries.

Applying for student visas must be done three months before the start of your course. Visa applications can be applied online through the website, and the application date is marked as the date on which your application fee is paid. An IELTS confirmation (between 4-7 marks) is mandatory to ensure that you are able to read, write, listen and speak in English and that the visa officer will check your speech skills when applying for a visa.

For those who are planning to travel abroad for higher education, IELTS Open Day 2019 will be held from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on September 22, 23, 2019 at the British Council premises to get experience and advice on preparing for IELTS. There is an opportunity.

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