Other well-known monarchs with genetic diseases

In the first article of these two articles, we brought to you the information about three royal families who were affected by unmarried marriage during their generations to preserve the 'purity' of their lineage. In this article, we intend to provide you with information about three other monarchs.

King Ludwig II, who lived in a Maya world

The Bavarian King Ludwig II was living in a fantasy world from an early age. Being a member of the Wittelsbach family, this sentiment was attributed to the genetic weaknesses in which almost all members of his royal family had only been married for some time with their blood relatives.

From an early age, King Ludwig loved to dress up in fairy tales and to hang in the courtyards. This mental problem was so powerful that he had absolutely no understanding of what was going on in the environment.

His mother realized this at an early age, but she was the crown prince, so she tried to hide the situation from others.

At the age of 18, Prince Ludwig becomes King of Bavaria. He still had no political knowledge and was a childish intellectual.

Since he became king, he has spent all his money on the treasury to build palaces and make costumes. As a result, Bavaria's economic situation gradually collapsed.

King Ludwig II was King of Bavaria for about 22 years. He was eventually thrown to the throne and executed. He was succeeded by his brother Otto.

However, Otto eventually became more depressed than Ludwig.

Tutankhamen with a split tusk and a long skull

Members of royal families were not limited to European dynasties to marry only relatives. Long before that, Egypt's pharaohs had a similar feature. Ancient Egyptian mythology records that the Egyptian goddess Isis married her brother Osiris to keep her family clean.

The Egyptian king Tutankhamun's parents were also close relatives. This naturally leads to a higher likelihood that the next generation of them will be genetically weakened. Tutankhamen was very weak and weak from an early age.

Scans performed on his mutilated body showed that his upper extremity was distorted and split. His skull is also longer. There is also a buckle on one of his legs.

His immune system may also be weakened by the fact that he is often infected with malaria. Because of this, he was a very old man and guessed that you could walk around with support.

DNA extracted from the tissues of Tutankhamen's mummy revealed that his mother may not have been the queen of Nefertiti, as was initially assumed. They show that his mother, Akhenaten, his father, was more likely to be the king's sister.

Not only was he killed, but a new opinion suggests that the weakened immune system often weakens and dies as a result of malaria.

Tutankhamun is also married to a sister. As a result, their children have become extremely weak and have died quickly.

Obesity and Cleopatra

Many legends in the history of the Egyptian Emperor Cleopatra refer to her as the world's most beautiful woman. It is said that she exploited this charm and conquered the emperor, Julius Caesar.

However, some scholars who are researching the functioning of the human genome believe that most of the facts about her are mere exaggerations. Her posture is very different.

Cleopatra belongs to the Ptolemy Dynasty. Many of those dynasties married their brother or sister. Cleopatra had also married her 10-year-old brother when she was 18. Then she married her other brother.

It has been found that obesity is the result of genetic problems caused by blood relatives. Historians have found that many ancient kings of Egypt suffered from obesity.

Some speculate that it may have been due to their diet and genetic conditions. It is speculated that Cleopatra is also more likely to be an obese person with a curved nose and round face. On the other hand, the men of the Roman Empire were considered to be beautiful, but slightly fat women.

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