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5 Websites that make our Work Easier

It is estimated that by the year 2020 there will be 1.94 billion Internet sites. There are very few websites out there that can make our work easier. This article is about 10 websites that are of great importance to you.

Free Anonymous Temporary Email

When using different services on the Internet, you will need to sign in. But with this sign-in, you are more likely to receive various emails and services such as email.

If you use this service only once, it is a hassle to send such email messages to their personal or official email addresses. The best solution is to use a temporary email address. There are many websites that offer this kind of service.

10MinuteMail is one such site that offers such a service. This website will provide you with a temporary email for about 10 minutes. You can work through it until it's over.

AlternativeTo, which offers alternative services

Many of the paid services and services we use are cracked software. It is an offense punishable by law. So you can use these services and software instead of using any other service.

This website, called the alternative to the website, will guide you to find and download alternative software for most of the software you get paid for. You can also view reviews of users of this software through this website.

Here are the Free Online Courses

Learning that is confined to a classroom is now fading. Now you have the opportunity to make learning more effective with the internet, bringing you everything you need right away. The concept of e-learning/web learning/web teaching is used by many countries in the world today.

In Sri Lanka, there is some degree of remote learning and teaching is done using the internet. But you have to pay a certain amount to get these services, for example, Although there are a limited number of courses available for free, you may have to pay some for the other course.

In contrast, khan academy is a web site that can be taught for a variety of subjects at a very low cost and for free. People of all ages can learn from it. Parents can learn about topics like parenting through this website.

Fakespot Finding Fake Reviews

95% of people who buy products and services online decide on whether or not to buy the product. But nowadays, some vendors are trying to promote their products by using various bot software, creating fake reviews.

The fake spot is a web service that exposes fake reviews. This is supported by a number of web sites, such as amazon, bestBuy, steam, Sephora, etc. All you have to do is paste the link of your product into the search bar. Then the website will rate the product from A to F.

Virustotal, which detects viruses in files and web addresses

Virustotal is a website that allows you to easily identify viruses in a web address or file. Upload the file you want to your site and find out if it has a virus.

This site also helps you to find out if there are any viruses in different web addresses. If virustotal notifies you of viruses or vulnerabilities, it is wise to avoid the relevant site.

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