Tips For Seniors
Since January, millions of seniors have enrolled in the new Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit program. Choosing a plan may seem daunting and can often confuse seniors even after they have enrolled.
The determination to take part is important, and careful consideration is vital to ensure we choose a plan that best meets a customer's needs. To get help in finding the right plan, seniors and caregivers may want to consult their local pharmacists, who are the most accessible members of the health care delivery system. Many pharmacists are specifically educated on how to explain the Medicare Part D drug benefit to their customers and can help guide seniors through the process.
"O'er the last several months, we have assisted many customers to help them better understand their choices under the Medicare Part D drug benefit. We will persist in our efforts to help customers work their way through the many choices available to them," said Matt Leonard, Senior Vice President of Pharmacy at CVS/pharmacy. "One of the most significant steps when choosing a plan is to ensure we cover current prescription drugs, and your local pharmacist is a great resource for that."
Because health needs can vary quickly, a Medicare Part D plan may be appropriate even if a customer's cost and several prescriptions are low. One time we have decided to enroll in a particular plan, we should take the following facts into consideration to ensure a smooth process:
• Customers who enroll in a plan after May 15, 2006, the deadline will pay higher premiums, and their next opportunity to enroll will not be until November 15, 2006.
• Submit your enrollment application to the insurance plan of your choice as early in the month as possible. That way, there is adequate time to mail out your new Medicare Prescription Drug Card and enter you into the system before your coverage begins on the first day of the following month.
• When first using your new Medicare Prescription Drug Card, order your prescription refill while you still have a few days' supplies remaining. This will ensure that you do not run out of your medication if your pharmacist needs time to research and resolve any issues pertaining to your new Medicare coverage.
Medicare Part D can benefit seniors who need the time to make an informed decision. Besides personalized help from a pharmacist, Medicare Information Centers are available in all CVS/pharmacy stores. The Centers explain how Medicare drug programs will work and assist customers in selecting a plan that best meets their needs.