52 Homes In 52 Weeks
The door is open to anyone interested in real estate acquisition, thanks to a new book that shows it.
In order to resist the idea that big deals are the exception and not the norm, bestselling authors Dolph de Roos and Jean Burns challenged everyone to buy one home every year. They acquired these properties using a variety of financing and acquisition techniques, which are listed in the "Internal Guide to 52 Homes in 52 Weeks" (Wiley, $ 16.95, paper).
The book does not describe what they did and how they did it. Whether readers want to buy one home per week or just one home per year, readers will be able to take these methods and apply them to their own acquisition program.
Initially, the authors looked for pre-acquisition homes and then worked hard to find tenants for them. Eventually, they signed the tenants and later found housing for them to move.
How to Decide on Your Strategy and Getting Started Among the book's topics; Learning to ask for help; Finding the right location; Tax options; Owner financing; Pre-acquisition and much more.
Dr. De Roos is a best-selling author in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.
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